Friday, 4 November 2016

Warning signs shes not the right for you

The truth is that men are used to pursuing
women, so if she shows interest back in our
direction, it’s natural to overlook the red flags
for the fact that she makes us feel wanted or
perhaps how beautiful she is. But we need to
discipline ourselves to slow down and be
honest – does she display these warning

She doesn’t appreciate anything.
If you’re the type of man who consistently
does little things to make her feel special, it’s
equally as important that she is the type of
woman who shows, in some way, shape or
form, that she appreciates your efforts. There
are a lot of men out there who are apathetic
in their relationships. If you are not one of
them, you deserve someone who is grateful for

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Nothing is ever her fault.
A clear red flag is raised by a woman who
doesn’t take responsibility for her actions or
always tries to place the blame on someone
else (especially you).
To take responsibility is to be open to learning
from less than perfect judgment and using
your experiences to learn and grow. If
someone in a relationship is unable to take
that first step, the rest will never follow, and
growing together will be an arduous and
potentially impossible task.

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She keeps you on a (really) tight leash.
You’ve got your friends, interests, and
hobbies. It’s natural that there are
adjustments to the time spent with these
people and things when you enter a
relationship, but a relationship is part of life
– not the entire thing. If a woman has a hard
time letting you keep your individual life when
you’re together, she may be too possessive for
her own good (and yours).
A woman who truly cares about you will want
you to go out and do the things you enjoy,
because she knows it makes you happy. This
ultimately benefits the relationship.

Image result for troubled wife

She’s inconsistent.
As I said in the introduction here, it’s easy for
men to overlook details when it comes to a
woman we’re infatuated with. But we need to
be honest with ourselves – if someone we’re
courting always seems to be canceling or
postponing plans, taking forever to answer
texts (if at all), or just seems generally
disinterested, do yourself a favor and cut the

You’re the only person she’s nice to.
When you go out to a bar or to dinner, pay
attention to how she treats people who work
there. I’ve said the same before about men
also – if a nice guy isn’t nice to the waiter,
then he’s not really a nice guy.
Same goes for women.

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She feels entitled, all the time.
You may find yourself talking to a woman who
has been drowned in gifts or attention by
previous boyfriends, or even her family. Every
woman and man should have steadfast
standards for how they deserve to be treated
in a relationship, and should never settle for
less. But there is a difference between that
and expecting a certain level of treatment from
Relationships are a two way street, and if she
always expects to come first or to be the
priority, it will only leave you exhausted and

Image result for angry wife

You argue way too much.
Not much of an explanation needed here. It
doesn’t matter how much you “love” someone,
if they bring more negativity to your life than
positivity, you need to let them go.

Image result for angry wife

Image result for angry wife

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