Friday, 4 November 2016

cool ways To Cool An Angry Wife

If you had an argument with your wife the night before, chances are you would have forgotten it by the time your head hits the pillow. But not your wife. You might think you won the argument, but she will be getting ready to wage war. Men are rational creatures, using logic to solve all their problems, but there is no place for logic when you are dealing with an angry woman. And pretending to be invisible will only fuel her rage further. She is like a ticking bomb, waiting to blow up.Here are some tips to cool an angry wife.

Image result for angry wife

Tips To Cool An Angry Wife are:
1.Listen Closely:You might think you are arguing about something trivial like dirty dishes, but the argument might be about something entirely different. She might be fighting with you for something you did weeks, months or even years ago. And if you try to brush it off as insignificant, you will be in for trouble. So try to understand what the argument is really about and act accordingly.
2.Admit you were Wrong:Most important way to cool and impress an angry wife is to admit that you were wrong. It is irrelevant whether or not you believe you were wrong. And make sure it is not done in a condescending manner. That will just make things worse. As long as you convince her that you were wrong in your ways, and agree with her, you are safe. Until the next argument.
3.The Right Response:Sometimes women argue just for the sake of it. Make sure her anger does not ignite yours. Refrain from turning the issue into a debate or ridiculing her argument. If you leave in the middle of the argument, shut her out or pretend everything is fine, that will aggravate her anger even more. But if you buy her flowers, take her out or plan a fancy vacation, she will be like putty in your hands. The right response can leave spitting like a wildcat or her purring like a kitten.
4.No Logic:Refrain from using logic to win the argument with your angry wife. She will not buy it. And if you call attention to how illogical her arguments are, you will definitely end up sleeping on the couch. Instead of using logic, try to justify your actions by saying they were motivated by your love for her. She will cool down in no time and you will get extra brownie points.
These are the ways to cool an angry wife.
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  1. What a good post! keep it, commenting from

  2. this is really interesting but the fact still remains that one has to listen to the woman even if the person is wrong but after a while, you let her realize she is wrong. Free Healthcare and Fitness Ideas

  3. You did justice to it, women are very hard to understand though unlike men. I have the opposite : To cool an angry husband takes no stress, just...
