Friday, 4 November 2016

Ways to Tell a Girl You Like Her WithoutTelling Her

You want to tell the special girl in your life
that you like her. The best way to tell a girl
you like her isn’t by telling her. It’s by doingImage result for love
subtle things that let her know without telling
her. Remember, that actions speak much,
much louder than words. They also allow you
to maintain your non-needy, non-approval
seeking posture while communicating to her
that you like her, that she’s special, that she
brings something into your life that other girls
do not. Here are five ways you tell a girl you
like her without coming out and telling her.

Pay Attention to Her
If there’s one thing women like from a man
they like, it’s attention. Make time for her.
Even if all you can spend with her is ten
minutes, try and give her that time. Things
like swinging by her place on your way to work
just to say hi go a long way toward letting her
know that you like her. You don’t have to kill
yourself here. Just one romantic gesture of
attention during the course of a week will
speak volumes about how much you like her,
without your ever having to say so.
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Pick Up the Check
Especially if you know that you make a lot
more money than her, you should pick up the
check. This is a great way to show rather than
tell a girl you like her. After all, you’re not just
investing time in her. You’re also investing
money in her. But you don’t look at it that
way at all. It’s just a matter of wanting to
show her a good time. Don’t make a big deal
out of it. Just quietly do it and she’ll get the
hint that you like he
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Small Gifts
It’s not about the money that you spend.
That’s not how you let her know that you like
her. On the contrary, it’s about the thought
that you put into the gift that you get her.
This can literally be as simple as bringing her
a special candy that she likes a lot from the
drugstore. Don’t kill yourself trying to find
that perfect thing that the girl in your life is
going to like more than anything in the world.
Just keep it simple. Something that shows
you’ve been paying attention to her, that you
get her, that you know what she likes and
what makes her happy. That’s something that
no amount of money can buy.
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Listen to Her
Men make this common mistake about the
girls in their life: They think that when girls
complain that they want you to come up with
a solution for them. They don’t. In fact, all
they really want most of the time is someone
to listen to them vent. So be the person who
listens to her vent. Give her space to tell you
what has her upset. Repeat back to her what
she’s saying and make sure that you
understand what it is that she’s telling you.
When it comes to showing a girl that you like
her, there are few better ways.
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Talk About Your Future
Want to really tell a girl you like her without
straight out telling her? Talk about your
future and include her in it. We don’t mean
that you have to start planning your wedding
or anything quite so dramatic as that. The
point is to merely show her that in a week, two
weeks or a month down the road, you have a
place for her in your life.
This will subtly
communicate to the girl that you like your true
feelings for her, in a way that just coming out
and saying it never will.
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