Saturday 5 November 2016

Reasons Why First Love Always Special


People often wonder what is it that makes the feeling of first love so unforgettable and why is first love always so special?The impact that the first love leaves on a person’s mind and heart is massive. It makes an everlasting impression and changes the person forever.No one ever forgets the first time they fell in love, no matter how it ended. It is young, but so powerful that nothing can be done to completely erase it off the memories.It doesn’t really matter what stage in your life you have reached, but the experiences of your first love always seems to have its own special place in your heart.
The first break-up is also the most painful one of all. Why first love is so special, is a question that has been pondered upon by many for so many years.However the fact is, first love is the purest and the most innocent form of love, which leaves us with an everlasting memory in mind.Here are some reasons behind first love is always special.
Reasons behind first love is always special are:
1.Because You Believe In Perfect Two: First love comes with a feeling of it being everlasting. This is the only time when one actually does believe in an absolutely perfect form of love. There are no compromises made and just acceptance of the person, as there are no conditions or complications. It is this one time that you only do what your heart asks you to do, without any questioning.
2.It’s Not Just First Love But The First Of Many Things: It is the first time you hold hands, the first date, first kiss, first fight and the list goes on. It is all these memories of our so many ‘firsts’ that are carved in our hearts and minds forever.
3.Also, The First Time You Experience Intimacy: Impossible to be forgotten are things like first kiss, hugs, cuddles and making love. So, whenever you think of these things, and at what so ever point of your life, you would always find yourself smiling and blushing like you did back then.
4.Young ‘N’ Freeee: People fall in love for the first time usually at a very young age, so there are no responsibilities on your shoulders to be taken care of. Hence, you dive into it, without having any other thought in your head and are immersed completely into it.
5.An Extreme Intensity Of Emotions: When you fall in love for the first time, you go through an acute range of intense emotions. When all’s good, you are on cloud 9, you are absolutely euphoric and the moment something goes wrong, everything seems like its badly falling apart. First love is a roller coaster ride that is exciting, thrilling and something which you will never forget for the rest of your life.
6.The Most Innocent Love You’ve Ever Experienced: It is only for the first time you fall in love that you do not weigh the pros and cons; and you do not let your head mess with your heart. You simply go where your heart takes you without any pre-formed notions, manipulations and judgements. Once this is lost, so is the feeling of purest love.
These are the reasons behind first love is always special
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