Saturday 5 November 2016

Facts That Are Interesting About Love

There are some facts about love that may surprise you. Today, scientists have a way to investigate more about this mysterious emotion that all of us undergo.And the best part is, today, we clearly know that love can have a positive impact on our minds and bodies.Love can create certain bio-chemical reactions in your mind and body that can benefit your health and also your overall life.Here are some facts that are interesting about love.
Interesting facts about love are:
1.Even Some Animals Follow Monogamy: Some studies have proved that gibbons, swans, termites, wolves and a species of vultures also tend to follow monogamy.
2.When You Look Into Your Partner’s Eyes: Your heart rate will sync with that of your love when you spend more than 5 minutes looking into his or her eyes.
3.We Tend To Like Someone In Just A Few Minutes: Research indicates that the moment we come across someone, it just takes us a few minutes to decide whether we like that person.
4.When You Hug Your Love, Painkillers Are Released: Cuddling has some health benefits too. You will feel relieved from minor pains when you hug your loved ones.
5.Even Your beloved Picture Is Enough To Heal: Some surveys claim that taking a look at your beloved’s picture when you are alone, can be a healing experience.
6.Love Is Almost Like Cocaine: Scientists say that love creates euphoric state of mind which is similar to the effects of cocaine on mind.
7.Men Prefer To Go By The Face: Research indicates that men stare at the body parts of women when they have a fling but they look at the face when they choose a life partner.
8.Lack Of Love In Life Can Be Unhealthy: Love has its own role in life and lack of it may also cause feelings of loneliness, inferiority and depression.
9.Love Can Heal Stress: Now there is enough evidence that love and romance can be the best stress busting activities.
10.Romance Can Die In An Year But Commitment May Last Longer:Relationships experts concluded that romance or the euphoric feeling can die in a span of a year. After that, only commitment and compatibility can take the relationship further.
These are some interesting facts about love
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