Saturday, 7 January 2017

How to understand your partner’s mind

You do not need to be soul-mates to read your partner’s mind. You just need to be a little observant and trust your partner, it will work like magic.At the time of bad phase in your relationship,you wish to read your partner’s mind.If you could read your partner’s mind, it would solve so many problems.Alot of unnecessary misunderstandings lead fights can avoid by reading mind.
Some ways to read your partner’s mind are:
1.Look For Clues:Most people do not launch into instant fights. If he or she is feeling angry or upset, there will be signs in their behavior to forewarn you. You need to make a note of these signs so that you know that your partner is upset about something and then you can handle the situation better.
2.Know The Likes And Dislikes:When you spend time together, you must gather some information about your partner. You must know exactly what he/she likes and dislikes. But this is just information and it will become knowledge only if you process it properly.
3.Curb Your Reaction:The moment you curb your instant reactions to a situation or conversation, you will get more time to contemplate. First think about what your partner might have in mind and then frame your answer; it will cut down 50 per cent of your arguments.
4.Read Body Language:Sometimes, body speak more than words. You can access your partner’s state of mind by just
observing his/her body language. If he comes home with slumped shoulders and just crashes on the sofa, it means he
is tired. Do not bother him then.
5.Know The Triggers:If you are an adrenaline junkie, then adventure sports is your trigger. If you are a foodie, then good food is something that can make you happy even on the dullest day. You need to know your partner’s triggers thoroughly.
6.Talk Less And Observe More:It always helps to be the silent person in the relationship. This is because you remain an enigma to your partner. Moreover, when you talk less, you spend more time listening to your partner and end up knowing him or her better than you did.
These are a few simple ways to read the mind of your partner.

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