Saturday, 7 January 2017

Does Mom-In-Law spoiling Marriage

Many women will says yes to this question that Is your mom-in-law spoiling your marriage.A bride is always made cautious to be careful with her mom-in-law.There are very few lucky brides who get a jovial and understanding mother-in-law. A majority of married women always find mom-in-laws interfering and disturbing. The tiff between these two important ladies of the family has become popular now a days.
1.Complaining:Why don’t mom-in-laws understand that he is no more a kid. Complaining to her son that he doesn’t talk
to her every day or doesn’t send her money will only spoil her image.
2.Insecurity:When you start ruling over the life of your husband, many mom-in-laws find it difficult to accept a new person’s interference. If your husband shows concern about you, your mom-in-law will start feeling insecure and then all her attempts to show you down will start gradually.
3.Emotional attachment trials:mom-in-laws attacks indirectly on their daughter-in-laws. Many marriages spoil when the mom-in-law plays dirty tricks to win the heart of her son and keep him under her control. Crying, faking love or just showing that she cares are few examples to show that your mom-in-law is emotionally trying to gather attention from your hubby.
4.Interference:Many women complain that their new mom always interferes in the personal lives of the married couple. When you are married, your in-laws should not interfere in each and every thing. If you had a fight, instead of solving the tiff, your in-laws or new parents rather, try to worsen it.
5.Dominance:Now that your son is married, it is high time you stop controlling him. He is no more your baby boy who will be under your control. After marriage, he is big enough to take his own decisions. Lots of dominance can be a trouble for the wife. If she likes something, the decision of mom-in-law will also matter and this can lead to disputes between you and your husband.
These are few things that mom-in-law usually do. These activities can even spoil your marriage. If your mom-in-law is really troubling your married life and you want to save it, it is high time you take a step.

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