Friday, 6 January 2017

10 Mistakes Women Make In Relationships

A romantic relationship is the most precious gift to mankind. Hence, it is important to nurture a relationship in the right way. Many a times, women assume that men think and feel the same way as they do. This results in tiffs and breakups. In order to prevent such debacles, it is important to understand that men are different from women. There are some common mistakes which women commit in a relationship. It’s easy to avoid them and pave the way for a successful relationship. Read about these mistakes and avoid them in your personal life.
1. Being over possessive – Jealousy, absence of trust, controlling behavior, spying on the partner, asking him too many questions, checking his call log, messages and emails are all signs of over possessiveness. Such a behavior only serves to hurt the man and reduces his trust and love for his lady. Of course, it’s wrong to trust anyone blindly, but when in a relationship, it’s best to give some space to the partner.
2. Trying to change the man – Women often fall in love with a man only when they think his nature, his behavior, his attitude is right. As soon as they get into a serious relationship, they attempt to change the man. This serves as a serious blow to a man’s self-esteem. It leads to frustration, low self-esteem and an eventual breakdown of the relationship.
3. Taking the man for granted – Doesn’t matter if the two have been dating for four months or four years, after some time passes, women tend to take their men for granted. They forget to do special things to keep the spark in the relationship alive. Gestures like preparing the partner’s favorite dish once in a while, trying something new on bed, getting gifts for the man, surprising him are some ways to keep the flame glowing. But this is totally forgotten and eventually the relationship heads towards a catastrophe.
4. Taking things too fast – Every relationship is a process of understanding each other and uncovering the possibilities in togetherness step by step. It is important to take slow steps. But, women tend to ignore this and rush to the next step in a hurry. Even before the man feels comfortable enough to take his partner to meet his parents, the lady invites herself for a dinner at her man’s place. This makes the man feel scary, clueless and furious. Such tiny things add fuel to the fire.
5. Talking too much – Men generally prefer actions to words. It is true that some amount of communication is vital for a relationship. But, it does not mean they’d tolerate someone who keeps on talking endlessly. This is the most common mistake that women commit. They just keep on talking for hours telling their man the latest gossip. It makes him feel like going out and buying himself a pair of earplugs! Communication must be from both the ends and must be balanced. If there is a loss of communication or miscommunication, it’s sign of a danger.
6. Trying to control – Controlling behavior refers to criticizing the man for everything he does, monitoring his food, wanting to know every minute detail of his life or taking charge all the time. Men hate to be controlled all the time. In fact, this tendency of women to control their men is one of the reasons that have led to the ‘battle of the sexes’ since times immemorial.
7. Being clingy – Space is vital in a relationship. It is important to maintain some amount of distance between the two partners so that they miss each other in their absence. Women often act too clingy when with their men. Men hate clingy women. Just as space enhances bonding, sticking to the man all the time makes him repel from his lady.
8. Being constantly busy over the phone when with their man – Women are so obsessed with their cellphones and gossips that they often tend to ignore their man even when they are out on a date. Of course, it’s okay to attend an urgent call. But, being on the phone for too long, ignoring the man and assuming that he’ll understand is sure to drift him away from his partner.
9. Getting angry over small issues – Men like to joke and tease the one they are attracted to. It is their way of flirting with them. But, women often tend to misinterpret this as the partner’s attempt to hurt them.
10. Depending on the man for small little things – Men like women who are independent. They respect them. Studies reveal that men find independent women really sexy. But, women often seem to act the other way and make a fool out of themselves. They depend on their man for little things and it irritates him after some point in time. If this irritation crosses its limits, men don’t think even for a minute before announcing a breakup.

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