Monday 31 October 2016

Two-week Old Baby Abandoned By Parents Due To Wrinkly Skin

A two-week old baby girl was abandoned by
her parents because of an extremely rare skin
condition in Maharashtra
The girl who was rejected by her own parents
is now being looked after by a 50-year-old
grandfather, Dilpe Dode. The tiny baby, born
in the seventh month of pregnancy, is beleived
to suffer from Intra-Uterine Growth
Retardation (IUGR) along with chromosome
abnormalities. Medics are still waiting for
laboratory results to make an accurate
Speaking about his granddaughter’s condition
Mr Dode said: “I am thankful to the hospital
for giving free medical treatment to my
granddaughter. It is really disheartening that
even her parents have rejected her but I will
go to any extent to save her. When the baby
was given to us, we were left shocked

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