Friday, 17 March 2017

Tips To Balance Love And Friendship

Friends and a lover both are important in our life. An individual cannot stay without their friends and love. But, there are few unlucky people who have to select between friends and love under some situations. If you are with love, your friendship goes for a toss and vice versa. If you are in love, that doesn’t mean that you have to pick up between love and friends.Here are some tips to balance love and friendship.
Tips to balance love and friendship are:
1.Both are different: Make sure you do not mix friendship with your love life. Both are different. You have to understand this. Sharing your love life problems with your friends is something different, but mixing both the relationships is not the right way to handle them.
2.Take out time separately: Do not always meet your lover in the presence of your friend. For example, taking your friend along on a date is a big sin! Similarly, your friends will also not like the concept of meeting in the presence of your partner. Both need their own spaces. You might not know but, your nature and behaviour is different when you are with your friends and lover. With your lover, you are conscious and sensible. But when you are with your friends, you are not. You are not sensible while using slang and conscious while talking to them.
3.Do not accept interference from both the sides: Do not let your lover become the judge of your friendship and vice versa. Keep both the relationships separately and far from each other. Just restrict the name session between friends and lover. This is one of the most easiest ways to balance love and friendship equally. You have to know how to handle both the relations. You can only be the best judge because your lover might not know your friend as much as you do.
4.Avoidance is not accepted: Sometimes you find it difficult to balance between love and friendship together. This is the time, you start ignoring one. Well, this is not a solution. If you avoid your long term friend for the new love in your life, you might end up losing the precious friend who stood by you in all modes of life. Make your friend and lover understand that you need both (in their own ways) of them equally in your life.
These are the tips to balance love and friendship.

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