Thursday 15 December 2016

What Men Feel After Divorce?

Divorce is something that is never expected! When you get married, you never let the thought of a divorce creep into your mind. It is simply because love is in the air. Couples think that compromising and adjusting a little would help them have a happy married life. This is not how things work in a relationship. You have to compromise but with your own will. If you are not doing anything wholeheartedly, you can never be happy in your marriage. Fake adjustments are one of the primary reasons behind a divorce.
There are many other reasons such as lack of misunderstanding or compatibility, trust or betrayal. But, if a divorce is mutual, there is nothing that can be too painful! When two different minded people cannot adjust with each other, divorce is the only option. Lets check out what men feel about divorce…
What men feel after divorce?
I am free: Firstly, a man feels happy because he is free from all the responsibilities. He is a free bird who can fly as high as he wants. Men hate to be under the bound and so, they feel really good if they are out from a bad marriage! Now there is no one to stop him from hanging out late with his friends or from drinking like a fish!
Who will cook: Well, this is a sad part. Sometimes men really miss their wives. Why? Because there is no one to cook in the house. Eat at nearby restaurants or visiting friends’ place to enjoy home food comes back after a divorce. This is a common problem faced by divorcee men who stay alone!
What about my undies?: “What about washing my clothes? I need a maid!” This is the first thought that comes after a man gets divorce. Most of the men feel this after a divorce. Men miss their ex-wives who used to take care of their clothes and house. From cleaning the house till washing clothes, everything was under the control of the wife. After a divorce, men takes time to adjust back to the good old bachelor days! After taking bath, poor divorcee men will not find clothes ready on the bed! They have to search in the almirah and match the tie themselves!
Hey girl!: After divorce, men are single! Free to flirt and hang out with women. Dating after a divorce is nothing weird! You cannot stay single for the rest of your life! This is what men think and feel it is nothing wrong. So, say hello to a girl beside you.
No more reporting: As you are free, you do not have to be under the torture of your wife. Gone are the days where you had to answer all her questions. You do not need to report about where you were, what did you do or in worst cases, what did you eat at office!
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