Friday 30 December 2016

Effects Of Lying In A Relationship

Love is a wonderful emotion that human being share to each other. Love within blood relation is a common process, but it is very strange, when one fine morning you discover that an unknown person is getting so close to your heart. You realise your life will be empty without that special one. Thus you become the cupid’s victim.Falling in love is very easy but maintaining it with certain responsibilities is not just buttering a toast. You need some virtue in you to maintain it. The first and foremost thing you need to remember in a relationship is loyalty. Don’t forget that the effects of lying in a relationship takes away all joy.Here are some effects of lying in a relationship.
Effects of lying in a relationship to know are:
1.Destroy Relationship: Lies can have shattering impact on your relationship. If you lied or face any lie in relationship or if there are any strong signs of lying in a relationship, that can be the breaking point of mutual trust.
2.Left Alone: This can make you feel alone, cheated and sad. These feelings also come to your partner’s mind. So, it’s better to be clear about anything with your partner.
3.Questions started to pop up in your mind: Lying is always a bad thing as it dishonours your lover’s feelings and lowers your self-respect too. But sometimes little white lies can make the tie of your relationship strong. Surprising, right? But all of you must have told such lies sometimes in your life.
4.Not To Hurt: When your partner gets a new dress or a special haircut, he or she expects the positive feedback from you. Now, what to do if you do not like that particular thing in him/her? Telling truth can be little harsh on their feelings. So it would be easier to tell them lie. This will not hurt their emotion and they will think they are loved as they are.
5.Avoiding Conflicts: If a little lie helps to avoid conflicts, hurting emotions and negativity of your relationship, then it is not that much bad.
6.Increase Romance: Experts say, a little lie can increase the romance quotient of your relationship. How? If you are feeling taken for granted or feeling ignored to some extent, tell your partners that you’ve made special friend on social networking site or elsewhere and he/she is praising you, you are busy with him/her. Look what your partner do. If he/she is very much into you, they will surely be possessive about you. That is real fun and makes you feel important too.
7.Special Tips For Guys: Now, something for guys. What to do if your girlfriend ask questions like, “Am I looking fat?” or “How am I looking in a red trouser and yellow top?” Now, it will be the third world war if you tell truth. So, to save the world and yourself, tell a little lie or twist your answer with half truth like, “You are looking good, but you look best in some other dress.”
Such lies never include the hiding of your past relationships, lying about your nature and habits, any hidden disease, your economical condition etc. Moreover, if you share your problems with your partner, dealing with those can be much easier as he/she will stand beside you holding your hands.
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