Wednesday 7 December 2016

Identity of the woman who made little boy emotional after he saw she carries oxygen to survive revealed

Few days ago LIB shared the story of the little boy who became very emotional after he saw the lady he wanted to beg for money carries oxygen around in order to survive (read here). Her identity has been revealed and it turns out she is also blind.

According to Facebook user,  Ndungu Nyoro, the lady is Gladys Kamande , a 32 year old Kenyan. She has lost six pregnancies, had so many operations and lost her sight during one of her numerous operations. She is currently pleading with the pubic to assist her with funds in order to undergo a mechanical lungs reconstruction. 

Right now, she depends on an Oxygen Concentrator, two oxygen gas cylinders, a generator and a white cane to survive. It is also revealed her husband left one day while they went for checkup at the hospital and has never returned since then. 
Despite all these, when her family saw how emotional 11 year old Thuo got when he realized her predicament, her friends and family brought the boy to her home and gave him new cloths. 
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