Thursday, 3 November 2016

"Control your anger"- Alibaba shares story of a friend who was jailed after catching his wife with her lover in their matrimonial home

To caution people on how to manage their
anger when they are faced with serious
issues, Comedian Alibaba shared this story
of how a married man became an ex-convict
after he found his wife with her lover in their
matrimonial home in Abuja. Read below

"This story I am about to share, you
would have heard, told several times,
in different ways. But mine is not a
story. A friend of ours, a lawyer, in
Abuja, was at a 5 day retreat and
decided to dash back home to get
something that couldn't wait. And
meets his madam in an
uncompromising position. And just as
he and the lover boy got into a fight,
lover boy broke free, ran for the door
to the balcony, opened it and jumped
for his dear life, when he heard
madam say don't shoot him, shoot me
instead. And he jumped to his
conclusion. He hit his skull against
something and died instantly. The
case took like a year and our guy was
jailed. The wife was held responsible
for the whole tragedy. She tried to
make people see how sorry she was,
and even tried to say there was no
more love between them... but the
deed was done. No one cared. Now
pause for a minute. Agreed the man
had a right to get angry. Agreed the
lover boy was wrong to go to a
matrimonial home. Agreed he should
not have gone for his gun. What if he
had recorded it and told her to move
out? Would he be an ex convict
today? Guess what? The woman is
living her life now and the only thing
is she is adulterous. Not an ex convict.
She can still run for elections.
Remarry. And hey! She DID remarry.
She tried to see him in prison but
after she realized the futility, because
the family banned her from even
coming near her son, she gave up,
relocated and started a new life
abroad. The lesson in this is, #
MaaSheyBooSheTo! Don't let your
emotions make you use all your power
and connections to deal with an issue
that will be an overkill. Control your
anger. Avoid people who work you up.
Think twice. If you can not stand the
heat, stay out of the kitchen. If you
can not do the time don't do the
crime... let us learn to control our
emotions and anger. You don't want
to know what the consequences of
road rage have amounted to in
surveys. No ones life is worth your life
sentence. Think fast. Think twice.
Think well".

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