Thursday, 3 November 2016

Osundare Research conference at Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu Ode

Osundare research conference which  was held at the first University of Education Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun ijebu ode in ogun state on the 2nd of November 2016. It was a great day as the students of English language showed their passion for this great man, who is seen to be a man of culture. Participant from Babcork University, Cresent University and some Master students from the University where this research was held where also part of the Participant.

An interview with one of the students who is the H. O. C for the department for 300l in person of Bello Opeyemi shows his interest in Niyi Osundare's writing. He stated clearly that there is far differences between Wole Soyinka and Osundare in the aspect of their use of language. Wole Soyinka is said to be a man of Myth while Niyi Osundare is said to be a man of culture. The pattern at which they write is far different. He further stated that looking at their writings stylistically, Niyi Osundare points out cultural herritage and chose to use yoruba language in most of his works unlike Wole Soyinka.

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