Sunday 23 October 2016

NJC bars judges, court staff and judicialofficers from accepting gifts

In order to encourage independence of the
judiciary, the National Judicial Council, NJC,
has barred judges and other court staff from
accepting any form of gift(s) from any one or
any arm of government.This is also to curb
corruption and other unethical conducts
among judicial officers and court staff
members, especially due to the recent raiding
of homes and arrests of some Supreme and
High Court judges.
The new measures, which are part of a new
NJP to be launched in Abuja today, Monday
Oct. 23 was initiated to improve on the
existing NJC NJP and a similar policy by the
National Judicial Institute, NJI.
The existing Code of Conduct for judicial
officers states that:
"A judge and members of his/her
family shall neither ask for nor accept
any gift, bequest, favour, or loan on
account of anything done or omitted
to be done by him in the discharge of
his duties.
“But, the provision in the new policy
particularly bars judges and other
court staff from accepting gifts from
other arms of government, and made
compliance mandatory.”
“The Code of Conduct for Judicial
Officers and Code of Conduct for
Court Employees, with the amendment
discouraging acceptance of gifts from
other arms of government, should be
such as would be adequate.
Compliance with their provisions shall
be mandatory.”
“The judiciary shall not resort to
lobbying in ensuring that the
legislature and the executive perform
their constitutional responsibilities.
“All arms of government should
respect the doctrine of Separation of
Powers as enshrined in the
Constitution.” The policy also
introduced measures to further keep
complaints against judges and other
court staff from the media and public
“It shall be the policy of the judiciary
on complaints of misconduct against
judicial officers or employees of the
judiciary shall not be leaked or
published in the media.
complaints on allegations against
judicial officers and court employees
are submitted for investigation, the
complainant or complainants shall be
made to give an undertaking not to do
anything to prejudice investigation or
actions that may be taken.
“The institutions of the judiciary
concerned with investigation or/and
implementation of decisions taken on
such complaints shall be obliged to
cease further action where such
complaints are leaked or discussed in
the media.
“Where such a leakage is occasioned
after the submission of a complaint,
then all investigations on the
complaints shall be suspended, the
leakage investigated and if such
leakage is from the complainant or
through other parties known to such a
complainant, such a complaint should
be discarded.
“Where such leakage is occasioned
prior to the presentation of the
complaint and the source of the
leakage is found to be the
complainant or through other parties
known to and connected with the
complainant, then such complaint
shall not be accepted, upon
submission, by the appropriate
disciplinary body.
“In conclusion of investigation, the
disciplinary bodies may allow public
disclosure of their findings, subject to
following the proper channels.”
Source: Vanguard
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