Sunday, 4 September 2016

15 Funny Reasons Why A Girl Must Date A Blogger

Dating a blogger is the best thing that can
happen to a girl, they have all the necessary
qualities for a perfect relationship. These
qualities are either from birth or they
developed it while blogging. Check out the
following reasons why you must date a blogger.

One of the major problem in dating is
faithfulness, every girl wish to date a faithful
guy and the only way to get that is to date
US. Bloggers are too focus and busy with their
work to think about other girls. They generally
transfer the faithfulness they have on their
blogs to their relationships. Try and date one,
if you are a doubting Thomas.

2:-Open Minded
I believe every girl wants an open-minded
boyfriend. No girl like a boyfriend who sticks
to his own thinking and perception, who is not
ready to accept good ideas, So if you want to
be in a relationship with an open minded guy
then choose a bloggers.

Blogger have a broader view of everything
because they read and know so many things.
They have good understanding about life
generally which includes dating. Most
relationship experts knows that understanding
is the key in any relationship- So don't just sit
right there, look for one and date.

4.Can Read Between the Lines
Every girl wants his boo to know when she is
angry, happy, sad or broke. The people who
understand such situations are the people
who read between the lines and one of the
best candidates are bloggers.
Babes, you don't need to spell your problems
to your boo before he should react. If your
boo can't read between the lines, encourage
him to write post for us...

5.Notices Everything
Whenever a girl makes changes in her
dressing style or hair style, she expects her
man to notice and compliment it. Bloggers
have good noticing power, they notice every
little thing about you. They will notice even
the smallest change in your style or behavior.

Honesty is one of the base elements in any
relationship. Bloggers never forgets to give
credit to who deserves it. If they are so honest
with their work then think what will be the
level of honesty with their love? Think about

When it comes to dedication, bloggers are very
dedicated. They focus on the job at hand, they
complete their work before deadline and they
never give up on anything. The interesting
thing is that they transfer this dedication to
their love lives. Someone is doubting me right
now, you can ask any girl that is dating a

8.Caring Nature
Bloggers are passionate about everything they
do. Here I emphasize on EVERYTHING. Either
it is blogging or any other activities. They try
to do their best in whatever they do. So if you
date a blogger, he will care of you like the way
he cares for his blog.

9.Financial Security
Successful bloggers are earning handsome
amount of money from blogging. Even event
bloggers also earn huge amount of money. If
you are dating any successful blogger, you will
be secured financially (warning: They might
not have

10.Good Looking
I have been asking myself this question- why
is that bloggers are always presentable,
maybe you will answer that yourself. Every girl
would love to date a smart, confidence and
good looking gentleman. One of them is
typing right now, so locate them and lobby

11.You have An Extra Option for Gift
Instead of buying expensive and boring stuff
like T-shirts, watches, perfumes, you can gift
different thing to your blogger boyfriend. They
always have their list of future posts. You can
pick any interesting title and write a cool post
for him. He will be happier with this gift and it
will also be beneficial to your budget

12.Easy To Impress
If you want to impress any blogger you don’t
need a classy dress or anything materialistic.
What you need is a good Photoshop skill or
creative photography skill, because bloggers
are damn crazy about photographs

We are entrepreneurs,elove to stand on our
own and not under one annoying boss. Date
us and you will enjoy freedom

15.Well Inform No girl will love to date a guy
who is clueless
about life, a guy who can't contribute in
politics, sports, relationships, and fashion. If
you date a blogger,you can introduce him to
any discussion.
I can go on and on but am sure this points
are enough to convince you. However, if you
have a contrary view or you want to support
the motion, Kindly use the comment box

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