Wednesday 24 August 2016

Is there life after death ?

Hello reader, good to have you here and
seeing that this chosen topic is weird, you
might be asking "What's up with this guy and
death?" For your notice, I am not dead, I have
never died, and I don't plan on doing so
anytime soon. So, keep that in mind as you
read on.
Death, some say, is the cessation of physical
life in a living organism, or the state of the
organism after that event.
Death can still be given its definition as, a
rebirth into a spirit world of light and love, a
transition from the physical to the spiritual
that is no more frightening or painful than
passing between rooms through an open
Soon after death at about 15-20 minutes
(depending on various factors), the body
begins to cool(algor mortis), becomes pallid
(pallor mortis) and internal sphincter muscles
relax, leading to the release of urine, feaces
and stomach content if the body is moved. To
students in the biological field, make sure you
take note of that, who knows, your lecturer
might be reading this.
There is nothing more important to us as
living beings than that we can have something
we describe as a soul that continues to exists
after physical death and is everlasting. For
without this, it is all for naught and there was
no point in existing at all. And in fact not
having such would be ultimate cruelty.
if we cease to exist at physical death? Being
mortal with no soul and there is no after-life.
It is the same as never existing in the first
Life after death can neither be proved nor
This is because one would have to
undergo physical death in order to prove or
disprove it (and by its very nature, disproving
it would be impossible). Life after death can
not be disproved; only the evidence in its
favor can be scrutinized and rational non-
believers are left to make the conclusion that
life after death cannot be proved.
It is hard to imagine that mankind would
reach such a high level of consciousness of
our own existence if it were to end with this
life. Possibly we have reached such a state of
consciousness because there is a continuum
to this life after it ends.

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