Thursday, 16 March 2017

How To Know That You Are In A Good Relationship Or Not

Many believe that healthy relationships or harmonious relationships need lots of work and constant effort. In fact, the contrary is true. Good relationships at least seem to be smooth flowing. Or in other words, you can say smoothly flowing relationships are better as they tend to last longer.But of course, even those relationships need effort but the thing is, effort will no longer feel like effort as you tend to contribute them with joy.Here are some ways to know that you are in a good relationship or not.
Tips to know that you are in a good relationship or not are:
1.You Never Hesitate To Talk Openly: If a relationship makes you think twice before opening up, then you don’t have freedom. A good relationship gives you the room to be yourself.
2.You Enjoy Your Space: You give your partner her space and she gives your space. That would be an ideal relationship. When two people try to suffocate each other, then it isn’t an ideal one.
3.You Quarrel Within Limits: It is quite natural to disagree. Quarrels do happen. But how you resolve them and how quickly you resolve them matters.
4.You Don’t Hesitate To Consider Her Opinions: When you feel like considering her opinions over yours without any ego problem then, you are in the right relationship.
5.Comfort Zones: Even if she annoys or you annoy her, if you are still okay with it, then you are in a comfort zone.
6.You Tell All Your Secrets: There is no room for secr.ecy in good relationships. If you feel like hiding something from her then you are not totally trusting your relationship.
7.The Relationship Flows Effortlessly: Some relationships need lots of work whereas some flow effortlessly. The effortless ones thrive for longer.
8.Your Partner’s Anger Never Intimidates You: When your loved ones are angry, you don’t feel intimidated or insulted. If you are feeling so, then your relationship isn’t an ideal one.
9.You Show Your True Self: You seldom pretend or wear a false mask when you are with a soul mate. This is one thing that proves that your relationship is a long lasting one.
These are the tips to know that you are in a good relationship or not

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