Monday 12 December 2016

Relationship Rules That Women Ignore

You might have noticed that smart, independent and intelligent women are the ones who often end up in the worst relationships. Some women attract bad relationships because they are smart about everything else except their love life. So many famous women known for being iron ladies have borne abusive partners for years. This happens because there are some rules of relationships that women ignore completely.Relationship tips for women can help them work it out with their partners. But the rules of relationships for women are more basic. It helps them decide whether a relationship is worth working out. There is a well-known saying that women always like bad boys. It is due to this obsession with the wrong kind of men that some smart women end up with shattered love lives.
A man who loves and respects you might not be your dream guy. But no matter how boring he is, he is 10 times worth the scum who feeds off your emotions and uses it against you. And in spite of numerous precedents, women continue to ignore the rules of relationship that can ensure a happy future.Here are some relationship rules that women ignore.
Relationship rules that women ignore are:
1.Bad boyfriends make worse husbands: If he ignores, treats you like shit and doesn’t value you, it is not going to change after you exchange vows. Don’t marry a bad boyfriend hoping that after becoming your husband, he will change.
2.If he says he is not sure, then he won’t marry you: Do not hold on to a man thinking that he will change his mind about marriage. If he tells you that he is not sure about the future, it means he is not ready to marry you.
3.Never jumps into a marriage because you are on the wrong side of age: Just because you are turning 30 in a week, you need not jump at proposals that come from every Tom, Dick and Harry. Wait for the right man to come your way. Don’t make compromises just because you are ageing.
4.If he lives off your money now, he will continue to do so after marriage: We no longer subscribe to the theory that a man should pay for his woman all the time. However, every woman has the right to expect a man who shares responsibilities if not takes up her responsibility completely.
5.He is not trying to change you for the better; he is trying to change for himself: If he constantly tells you how you should change yourself or adapt to his ways; then he doesn’t love you. He is not in love with the person you are. He is trying to turn you into something else.
6.If he calls mommy for everything, he will be a mamma’s boy forever:Do not fall for the rumour that mamma’s boys later become their wife’s lad. Once a mamma’s boy, he will continue to look for his mom’s approval for everything. So unless you want your mother-in-law’s nod for all major life decisions, you better steer clear from this guy.
7.If he thinks he can get any girl he wants, he will surely pursue his ambition: A guy who flaunts his capability to ‘hook up’ with girls is an incurable womaniser. He is not just boasting about this skills, he will test them as well.
8.If two and two doesn’t add up to four, the mathematical gap will keep increasing: We all tell small white lies in relationships that are often harmless. But if there are major discrepancies in your guy’s narrative of himself and gaps in his past, then you need to be careful. There is no dearth of psychopaths and sociopaths these days.
9.Small infidelities add up to an adulterous relationship: If you think that his small ‘indiscretions’ with other women will cease after you tie the knot, then you are mistaken. His infidelity will only get more glaring and he will expect you to accept it like you are doing now.
10.Physical and mental abuse only gets worse with time: If he strikes you once in a heated fight, be rest assured he will do it again. Violence is not an one- off incidence. It will keep getting worse so run before the monster in him reveals its ugly self.
11.If he doesn’t want kids and a family now, he won’t change his mind later: Most women try to convert unhappy marriages into stable ones by having babies. A child is not a solution to a failed marriage. So don’t plan to force kids down his throat to hold him back.
12.Being commitment phobic is another way for saying that marriage is off the bounds: If he is a guy who doesn’t want any permanent baggage, he will say he is commitment phobic. Phobia is a mental condition so ask him to see a psychiatrist. You don’t stick around and play shrink to him.
These are the relationship rules that women make.
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