Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Recession or stupidity? Nigerians scoop fuel from tanker involved in accident along Benin-Auchi Highway (photos)

Ardent APC and President Buhari supporter, Jack Obinyan-Buhari took to his Facebook page last Sunday, December 11th, to narrate how he spotted Nigerians scooping fuel from a fallen tanker involved in an accident with a trailer along Benin-Auchi-Okene Highway. He wrote:

"This is NOT Buhari...This is NOT recession...This is STUPIDITY of the highest order.
I have just seen this accident between Agbede & Aviele along Benin - Auchi - Okene Highway...I came down to take photographs (with zoom from a distance) only for me to see people taking fuel...And Road Safety are right there controlling traffic...I immediately ran away shouting the heck outta the road safety men to drive everybody and leave there... May God help us"
More photos below....

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