Wednesday 28 December 2016

Reasons Why You Should Wait For Marriage

A wedding is the most important day for a man and woman. For many women, their wedding day is the most important day of life. Women generally fantasizes about their big day from a very early age and this includes dreaming about the wedding dress, venue, decor and even the food.There are some brides who get so caught up in the hysteria of planning a wedding that they tend to forget about the most important part of a wedding the ‘marital relationship’.
In every wedding you have the wedding vows which symbolise an oath you are going to take with your partner. These wedding vows which is said in front of friends and family and in front of God will give you a feeling which is out of this world. Our dailies carry a number of love stories which end in heartbreak and disaster. So if you want to avoid just another heartbreaking story, you need to think about your relationship and your future.Here are some reasons why you should wait for marriage.
Reasons why you should wait for marriage are:
1.Marriage involves a lot of expenses. Be it a small wedding or a big one, it involves a lot of money. If you are not financially stable in your career, you should wait for the right moment and not rush into a marriage. One of the main reasons as to why you should wait for marriage is because if you splurge on a big fat wedding, you will feel the pain in your wallets. You would feel worse if your marriage fails.
2.One of the biggest joys about dating is being swept away in the excitement of getting to know a special someone. The reason why you should wait for marriage is because you need to learn where your partner stands related to important life and family issues.
3.There are a number of couples who rush into marriage as they feel it is the only solution to heal a rift in the relationship. Here, the reason why you should wait for marriage is, you need to first sort out the rift in your relationship before you head into the big bond, marriage. Yes, planning a wedding is a good distraction from petty fights and issues but even after the vows have been exchanged, the problems will still exist.
4.No one will deny that a wedding is romantic. You have the honeymoon, and the glow of your wedding day stays around for a while. But when reality hits, you realise the honeymoon is over. This is never a problem for couples who are prepared for it and understand the commitment they have made to each other. But for those who are unaware of this, this is a strong reason why you should wait for marriage.
5.If you love the single life, you should not consider getting married anytime soon. Marriage comes with mutuality. You have to share salaries, divide the bills and above all compromise on your shopping allowances. So if you are not ready for this kind of a life, this is a reason why you should wait for marriage.
These are the reasons why you should wait for the marriage
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