Friday 4 November 2016

Things That Happen When Couples Don’t Understand Each Other

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In arranged marriages, it is said that a couple can fall in love only by understanding eachother and getting to know eachothers likes and dislikes.In an arranged marriage, understanding is the vital element in their relationship, which actually forms that bond called love. If this understanding is missing between the two lovers, there will be absolutely nothing left in the relationship they share with eachother. Understanding brings two people together, it makes them fall in love with eachother together, with the flaws and positive things.
When understanding is absent in a relationship, the love can turn messy and couples may usually end up on a bad note. According to experts, it is always best to have a relationship based on understanding, along with compromise. If one of the partners can compromise easily, the relationship can be smooth sailing.Here are some things that happen when couples don’t understand eachother.
Things that happen when couples don’t understand eachother are:
1.Lack Of Trust: Lack in understanding eachother can lead to a lack of trust in the relationship. When there is lack of trust, a lot of misunderstanding and doubts begin to spikeup in the relationship. Therefore, couples need to find a way to deal with eachother and learn to understand one another.
2.More Fights: Lack of understanding in a relationship can lead to more fights, as a couple can lose trust in eachother. Physical and verbal fights are the worst and they hamper the growth of the relationship.
3.Tears Tears & Tears: When there is a lack of understanding, there is nothing left but tears. Therefore, to make the relationship work, it is necessary for the couple to workout their problems and learn to understand eachother.
4.Unhappiness Crawls In: Unhappiness knocks on the door for the couples who don’t understand their better halves. If you really want to make the relationship work, find a way or go in for a couples counseling session to see what you can do best for your relationship.
5.You Just Want To Leave: At the end of the day, when everything else doesn’t matter or make sense, couples give up on their love and remain in a no understanding zone of the relationship. Experts suggest that couples should find all possible ways to make their relationship last and should commit themselves for a successful easy-going relationship.
These are the things that happen when couples don’t understand each other.
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