Tuesday, 4 October 2016

MTN 4G LTE now Live

Nigeria’s quest to achieve the 30 percent
national Broadband penetration by 2018 has
received a major boost with the launch of
MTN’s 4G LTE service. With the launch of
the service, MTN’s subscribers can now enjoy
optimized wireless 4G broadband and high-
speed browsing experience which is the
fastest and most futuristic mobile internet
access available in Nigeria today.
According to MTN’s Chief Marketing Officer,
Rahul De, the deployment of 4G LTE will not
only enhance MTN subscribers’ browsing
experience but would also key-in to the
national objective of attaining 30 percent
Broadband penetration by 2018. “We are
excited to officially announce the roll-out of
MTN 4G LTE services to our esteemed

The service supports most LTE devices, and
leveraging on our network promises to be the
widest LTE coverage in Nigeria. With the
acquisition of the 2.6GHZ spectrum earlier
this year, our objective was clear: to build
capacity to accommodate 4G LTE into our
services because it is the fastest wireless
internet connection available today.

fulfilling that objective, we have embarked on
aggressive optimization of our sites to beef
up our capacity to take on the 4G LTE

Presently, the service is available in Abuja,
Lagos and Port Harcourt, with plans to roll-
out to other parts of the country very soon,”
he said.

Speaking further, Rahul called on
subscribers to visit the nearest MTN
customer centre in the three cities to upgrade
their SIM cards to U-SIMs to enable them
enjoy the 4G service.

He also added that
switching to MTN 4G LTE will not attract
additional tariffs for subscribers. MTN’s
4GLTE Broadband servicealsocomes with MI-
FI device that canbepurchased atthenearest
MTN friendshipcentre and allows for multiple
userseither at home or office.

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