Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Hillary, in Miami, gets Adele on her team

Hillary Clinton took time off from storming
the campaign trail in the key state of Florida
Tuesday to take in a pre-birthday concert by
pop icon Adele.
Campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said the
award-winning British singer, who can’t vote
in the United States, is “100 percent for Hillary
Clinton,” adding: “I love her. She’s amazing.”
Merrill says Adele told the audience that while
she is British, “what happens in America
affects me too.”

Clinton turns 69 on Wednesday.
Reporters were not allowed to join Clinton for
her concert treat — so we don’t yet know
whether the White House hopeful belted out a
few of her Adele favorites in the dark.
On a possibly wackier note, the former top US
diplomat and ex-senator hours earlier
appeared on a Spanish-language
entertainment show, where she shared her
favorite recipe for chocolate chip cookies.
Hosts of the Univision show “El gordo y la
flaca,” gave Clinton a bottle of tequila to
celebrate the last year of her sixties.

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