Friday 28 October 2016

97 African migrants perished after rickety boat fell apart in the Mediterranean Sea - Libyan Navy

97 migrants, mostly African nationals
including three women and a child, are
believed to have perished on Wednesday,
October 26th, when a rickety inflatable boat
carrying them fell apart in the Mediterranean
Sea and capsized off the coast of Libya.
The migrants left Tajoura, in western Libya,
before dawn on Wednesday morning. A
patrol of the Coast Guard received an SOS
call from Libyan oil tanker Anwaar Al-Khaleej
warning about an imminent drowning of an
illegal immigrants' boat.
The spokesman for the navy, Ayoub Gassim
said the boat tore and began filling with
water about 42 kilometres (26 miles) off
Libyan coast. The Libyan coast guard
rescued 29 survivor out of the 129 in the
"The staff onboard the tanker
managed to save 29 immigrants while
the remaining 97 ones, including 3
women and a child, drowned."
The Coast Guard said. Their bodies were
recovered by the oil tanker staff and handed
over to the Coast Guard patrol along with the
rescued ones. Photo credit:

Libyan Observer

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