Friday 11 December 2015

Why That Guy Will Not Make You His GirlFriend

Women, I know at one point or the other in our beautiful life, a man has told us he is not ready for a relationship. I totally CAN relate. See, i was once that woman, waiting to actually be someone's woman. I patiently waited for six months before i finally stated what i wanted (which was a relationship). He bluntly told me he was not ready for a relationship and this was after i had pursued all other amazing men. I was devastated but as a strong woman, I knew i was worth more than beating myself up. Yes, i cried (Its okay to cry)but do not let that man define your worth. Few weeks later, i found out that he was still dating his girlfriend while i was the "side chick". Immediately, he "broke" up with me, he put up his picture and his girlfriend's as his Whats app profile picture. I hated that girl. Bitterness was within me and I let it dwell with me. Ladies, when a man tell you he is not ready for a relationship,he means he is not ready for a relationship with YOU. This guy clearly likes me. He tells his friends that he likes me, calls me beautiful but he did not want to have a relationship WITH me.

Here are FIVE reasons he will not commit and make you his girlfriend:
1) He is not over his Ex: Yup! He tells you he is completely over her. There is a chance he believed it too but it took getting involved with another woman for him to realize he is not over her. While it is very difficult to admit to yourself, you are the rebound girl. The signs that he is not over his ex are: Does he still have their text messages on his phone?, is there a framed picture of his ex still hanging at his place, and the amount of time he just broke up with his ex-girlfriend matters especially in a long term relationship (2-4) years.
2) He is feeling pushed: Sometimes even willing partners can feel pressured into a relationship that they will run away. Men generally do not like the idea of feeling coerced into making a decision.
3) He only wants sex: The most obvious reason.
4) There is someone else in the picture: Some men like to keep their options open up in the air for as long as possible before making a decision and unfortunately you could be the victim. Watch out for the obvious signs - mysterious schedule, dubious stories, etc or better still, ask him straight out.
5) He is not ready for the responsibilities: He may truly enjoy your time together, but maybe he is not at that stage of his life when he is ready to consider someone else's point of view. He likes you but he is not ready to mop your brow when you are sick or comfort you when you lose a pet. He prefers an easy breeze and selfish lifestyle instead.

Always remember, you have the final say. You can leave or stay but staying always hurts more than leaving. Do not let any man define your worth! You are worth more than rubies ladies, always remember that!

*Mwah* Thanks for checking in this week! Please continue to visit! See you next week!
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